Sown To Grow for school leaders
Bear Gulch Elementary
Central School District
Key features
Students complete an easy and engaging emotional check-in each week in their classroom or advisory period.
Accessibility, language, and grade-level-appropriate accommodations allow every student to share their voice.
Teachers respond to students. We offer response suggestions to build teacher confidence in supporting students.
We provide training and professional development to build up the social-emotional support capacity of your school.
School leaders receive an alert if a student shares a reflection indicating they may need immediate support.
This real-time feature identifies students who are struggling that might otherwise fall through the cracks.
Our CASEL-aligned SEL curriculum equips teachers with easy, flexible tools to deepen social-emotional learning.
Differentiated curriculum by grade level (K-12) and pre/post SEL competency surveys support student growth over time.
Request sample lessonsSchool leaders access a dashboard of student well-being data from that week and trends over time.
Real-time insights help school leaders tailor support strategies to students and coach staff.
Request sample reporting