SEL curriculum &

Our CASEL-aligned K-12 SEL curriculum is easy to teach and relatable for students to start applying the lessons to their lives right away.

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An illustration of a teacher with red hair, pale skin, and wearing a blue shirt with grey sweats. The teacher stands at a blackboard and writes "Lesson 1" on the board. The image is surrounded by green chalk accent stars.

An easy SEL routine for lasting impact

An illustration of a boy student crossing a finish line and celebrating. He has dark hair, is wearing a yellow shirt, and has his arms raised in celebration as confetti rains down around him.

Pre/Post survey identifies growth opportunities and measures student improvement.

An illustration of 3 splayed out papers with a check list written on them. The papers are blue, yellow, and green pastels, respectively.

CASEL-aligned curriculum with differentiated lessons for each grade level (K-12).

An illustration of a golden yellow stop watch with 20 minutes on the clock. There are green chalk stars around the stopwatch.

Teach lessons in just 20 minutes, with time for students to reflect & apply each lesson.

How does it work?

Begin with a pre-survey to identify your students’ strengths and set a baseline to measure social-emotional growth against.

Students self-assess across the 5 CASEL competencies plus “sense of belonging” using a simple survey. School leaders get dynamic insights on areas of focus for the school.

An illustration of a question from the social emotional learning assessment with an indicator statement shown and "sometimes" selected from a four-point Likert scale.

Each week, teach a mini-lesson on a different SEL topic and create a consistent space for focusing on student well-being.

Our flexible lessons follow a 40 week scope and sequence that is differentiated for each grade level (K-12). Lessons are customizable, equipped with student-scaffolds, and can be taught in just 20 minutes.

Request sample lessons
An illustration overview of the SEL Curriculum. A  Black male teacher standing at a white board with a lesson on Self-Awareness on it.

After each lesson, students use the Sown To Grow check-in function to apply the lesson to their daily lives.

Every lesson comes with a corresponding reflection question to check for comprehension and make the content relevant to students. Practicing SEL skills regularly reinforces lasting learning.

An illustration of the Weekly Emotional Check-In and reflection space with five emojis ranging from awful to awesome expressions and free response space for students to share how they are feeling.

At the end of each SEL Unit, students take a post-survey to see their progress on that SEL competency.

Using the same indicator statements as the pre-survey, students, teachers, and school leaders can see side-by-side improvements in SEL skills. This artifact of growth helps students celebrate their achievements and focus on continued development.

Request assessment overview
A bar chart graphic showing student social emotional learning pre/post growth. It shows how students grew in multiple areas of SEL.

Learn about our other modules

An illustration of a boy student with blond hair and glasses sits on a bean bag and types on a computer. A  girl with black hair stands behind him and points to something on the computer. They are surrounded by decorative green chalk illustrations.
Emotional check-in
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An illustration of a Black female student sitting at her desk with her laptop open. Her teacher sits next to her, chatting enthusiastically. There are green chalk illustrations drawn around them.
Academic check-in
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