Research & impact
Our studies have been funded and conducted by a number of reputable education organizations.

Impact highlights
Full research studies
Spring 2023 • EdRedesign at Harvard Graduate School of Ed.
Sown To Grow is a part of Metro Nashville Public Schools' Navigator Program, which connects every student in the district with a trusting adult. Through a system of weekly digital check-ins and monthly in-person meetings, the district has built actionable, proactive, and student-centered MTSS.
Fall 2021 • LeanLab Education
Sown To Grow's responsive feedback suggestions feature improved the quality and efficiency of teacher responses to student reflections. Students and teachers in the middle schools surveyed shared that receiving reflection feedback improved trust with teachers.
Spring 2021 • LeanLab Education
Survey and interview data found that Sown To Grow can add significant value to classrooms by building student-teacher relationships and by providing language and skills to reflect and manage emotions.
Spring 2020 • WestEd
Sown To Grow’s emotional check-in module and SEL curriculum were validated for successful implementation in both in-person and remote-synchronous contexts based on a study of sixth grade classrooms.
Spring 2018 • UCLA Graduate School of Education
Students using Sown To Grow's academic check-in module earned higher end-of-semester grades than similar students who did not consistently reflect. Quality of student academic strategies improved over the semester, in those who reflected.
Fall 2016 • Stanford Teacher Eductation Program
Students who reflection on Sown To Grow reported statistically significant improvements in growth mindset, empowerment, and academic behaviors, compared to a control group, which exhibited a decline in all three metrics.